Mittwoch, 17. September 2008


eine dame, die man sich merken muss. ich darf mich stolze besitzerin von 2 shirts und einer tasche nennen. ich liebe ihren stil und kann nur jedem empfehlen, sich bei ihr das ein oder andere lieblingsteil zu bestellen.

The Confessional: Dana Veraldi

If you haven’t heard of her yet, this is the start of seeing her brand everywhere. New York newcomer Dana Veraldi seems to be doing the right thing at the right time. Her graphic t-shirt line combines her love of photography, illustration, and fashion into one clever and hip package sold at the best boutiques in the country.

We strapped her into our Confessional this week to find out more.

Name and Age, please:
Dana Veraldi, 24.

Marital status:
Not married

Where are you originally from?

How long have you lived in New York?
Just over 1 year - I finished college May 2007 and moved here the same week.

What neighborhood in NY do you live in?
BUSHWICK in Brooklyn.

What are your favorite memories of New York since living here?
Meeting amazing friends, dancing, laughing, rooftops, arts and crafts.

At what age did you start exploring your creative interests?
My grandfather and father are both photography fanatics so they helped to introduce me to the medium at a young age. My family has always been supportive of my creative endeavors.

You graduated from the University of Maryland College of Art, majoring in Photography and Graphic Design. Is it safe to assume that you knew you’d be focused on your tees and totes after graduating?
No, I really had no intention or idea that the shirts would take off in the way they did. I knew I would always be taking pictures and that they would become a catalyst for other projects but I didn’t think that the tees would become a small business.

Can you tell us a little bit about how your photography, drawing, and fashion all come together?
It was natural how everything came to be - I’ve always taken an excessive amount of pictures and when I had assignments to draw and paint images for my screen-printing class it made sense to draw from my own photographs. I was not satisfied with two dimensional prints and loved the thought of my friends wearing something I made. I easily got a wholesale account to buy mass quantities of t shirts and began giving my designs away to friends. I love to take pictures of people in the shirts, their own shirts (for example Jackson in a Jackson shirt), because its almost like its come full circle - a photograph becomes a drawing which becomes a shirt and then a photo is taken of the final product.

Is there any one discipline that you enjoy more than the others?
Photography for me comes the most naturally and is the most satisfying.

When did you start selling your products under the name Deer Dana?
I created my website ( years ago and then decided to start selling shirts on the site as well as showcasing my photos. It just made sense to call my line Deer Dana.

I read an interview about how you create designs of your friends or people that inspire you including Agyness Dean, Tory Burch, and Andre Leon Tally. What’s your relationship to all these recognizable names?
Agyness is a dear friend of mine and I was happy to make the shirt of her after she began DJing with Jackson (our idea was that they could wear each other while DJing). Tory is the stepmother of 2 of my closest friends - I love her and her 6 kids. Andre I do not know personally, but have always admired.

You’ve also been assisting some big name stylists for the Sunday Times, Purple Magazine, and Elle. Is styling also something you plan on persuing?
No, but its been fun assisting my friend Christopher Niquet and occasionally assisting others. I love the energy of being on a shoot and the team work that goes into creating the images.

Any other creative outlets or projects we should know about?
I am working on a series of photographs of siblings right now, I hope to show them within a year.

Got a long term plan?
Photography, art, friends, family, babies.

Do you have much free time, and what do you do when you’re not working?
I am kept pretty busy between a couple shoots a week and making shirts the other days.

How would you describe your personal style?
Heirloom treasure chest meet lord of the flies.

What’s your most prized possession?
A golden piglet my friend Jon gave me.

Where do you like to shop?
Bess, Mario Besdescu, Olatz,, Evolution, Opening Ceremony, Number (N)ine, Tory Burch, APC.

What are your top 3 fave restaurants in NY?
Schiller’s, Bubby’s, Blue Ribbon Sushi

What music have you been listening to lately?
Lightspeed Champion, Ssion, Kanye West, Beach Boys, Louden Wainwright III, Estelle

What’s your most recent discovery/exploration in New York?
Shoe repair man on 17th and Irving. He is the best.

Tell us your favorite rolling paper or your cocktail/drink of choice.

Name one New York woman that you would nominate to our Hail Mary! list.
Lyz Olko of Obesity and Speed

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